Thursday, May 30, 2013

Psychoanalysis Blog: Holden Caufield

  After my psychoanalysis evaluation I have come to the conclusion that Holden is a psychotic teen. Psychotic can cover a broad range and multiple different behaviors. To a teen psychotic can mean out of normal. I can also mean a "loss of contact with reality". In Holdens case it means both. Holden is a teen that besides feeling lonely and out of place, saw everything in a different prespective to the way a normal teen would. His carelessness was intended by him as if he didn't care when in reality he thought about what he did thouroughly as to how would it affect him. His forgetfulness was maybe a way of avoiding memories or trying to not remember something that would take him back to old memories. His view of the future showed not to much excitement but in is mind he was already thinking what he was going to do in his life. His relationships with people like Sally Hayes maybe weren't the best but they gave Caufield a sense of having company and not being so lonesome. The thought of being alone made him feel unnoticeable or invisible. All these symtoms and characteristics have classified Holden as psycho.

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