Thursday, May 30, 2013

Holden Caufields: Relationships(positive)

  I had another interview with my patient Caufield today. Todays discussion was about relationships. We discussed about positive relationships and how they benefitted him. He told me about how he liked a girl named Jane G. Gallengher. He was actually quite fond of this girl. He told me how he tried doing anything to keep her happy. He also told me about a time were he kissed Jane literally all over her face. At first it seemed like that was the only positive relationship he had,but he actually discussed a few others with me.  He talked about his little sister. Phoebe W. Caufield. He told me how she didnt like her middle name. He also told me how she was always a great company. Holden said she always had something smart to say. He also told me she was a great listener. Those two people were the ones he discussed the most.

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