Thursday, May 30, 2013

Holden's Emotion

Holden's emotions show a bipolarity that changes with his surroundings, his conversations as for his thoughts as well. Speaking about loved ones or good memories brings him some certain type of momentary happiness. For example, when he talks about his little sister Phoebe. It reminds him about the positive side to peoples character. Holden describes her as pretty, smart, and good skinny. He said she was a good roller skate skinny. This says a lot about Holden's thoughts about himself. He underestimates himself saying his sister is skinny like him, but shes a nice skinny. He also starts talking about how everyone in his family is smart except him. Even though this isn't talking about himself in a good way or setting a positive tone,  at least he isn't talking about how lonesome he feels. He is pretty much always feeling lonesome or depressed. He also talks about sometimes feeling so lonesome that maybe being dead wouldnt be as bad as he thinks.

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